2021 Artcobell Catalog
7 6 Learn more at artcobell.com ® DR . MARK E . BENDEN CPE Tex a s A&M S c hoo l o f Pub l i c Hea l t h Learn more about the connection between movement and learning from Dr. Mark Benden of Texas A&M School of Public Health. What we' ve found over the las t few year s in our laborator y here at Texas A&M and in classrooms around the s tate i s that chi ldren who are able to move, f idget , get up, walk around, s tand, to take a break f rom too much si t t ing s t i l l . . . they per form bet ter wi thin thei r own abi l i t ies . As s tudent s fat igue f rom si t t ing in one posi t ion, they seek other ways to release energy to help them s tay on task . Our research has shown that when chi ldren are permi t ted to move ( through the furni ture and/or through the teacher ' s guidance) they are less di srupt i ve and s tay on task longer. NXT MOV REDE F I N I NG MOVEMENT S EAT I NG FOR EDUCAT I ON SPACES ℠ The NXT MOV classroom combines mobi l i t y, f lexibi l i t y, coordinat ion and col laborat ion using movement seat ing and conf igurable desks and tables . See produc t s on pages 26, 52 , and 78. THE NEXT MOVE I N STUDENT SEAT I NG ARTCOBE LL I NTRODUCES Why is movement so important for student success?